Exhibitor Information
Entry Forms:
*Note: All animal entry forms can be found on their Department page.
**Our NEW mailing address for entry forms is: Wyoming County Fair, 9141 US 6 Meshoppen, PA 18630
General Rules:
- Due to the Animal Sanitation Exhibition Act (3 Pa.C.S.A), all animals, including fur bearing animals, must have a “Veterinarian Consultation Relationship”.
- All exhibitors agree to be bound by the rules and regulations of the Wyoming County Fair. All entries/exhibits are not the responsibility of the fair.
- All mailed entries must be postmarked no later than the stated date to: Wyoming County Fair, 9141 US 6 Meshoppen, PA 18630; unless the deadline or mailing address are specifically stated differently. Do not staple money to the entry form, and do not use entry forms from previous years. Send check or money order, NO CASH. Entry forms can be copied from current year and can be found online at www.wyomingcountyfair.com.
- The entry form schedule is listed on the entry form.
- All non-animal entries must be brought to the Fairgrounds Monday before the Fair between 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Exhibits must be picked up the following Tuesday between 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Claim tickets must be presented to pick up exhibits and premium checks.
- Judges do not have to award ribbons if entries do not meet standards. The Judges' decisions are final.
- No article can compete as more than one entry; that is, an article can be judged only once.
- All entries, other than animals, must have been made or grown this year by the exhibitor. (Except Department 21 Wine.)
- 4-H Market animals sold at the 4-H Livestock Sale MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM THE GROUNDS UNTIL 7:00 AM ON MONDAY.
- Parking: Personal vehicles must be out of the barn area by 9:50 AM daily. The “barn” area is defined as the Dairy, Rabbit, Poultry and Livestock barns as well as around the blacksmith shop and Antique barns. All personal vehicles may be parked out behind the camper hook ups or in the West parking lot. DO NOT under any circumstances park beside or in any of the animal barns, blacksmith shop, or antique barns after 9:50 am. Any vehicles found parked in the “No Parking Zone” after that time will be given 30 minutes to remove their vehicle. If the vehicle is not removed after 30 minutes, it will be towed at the owner’s expense.
- Animal Appearance: The visual impression we give our guests is of the utmost importance. With that being said, all animals must be presented as if for show the duration of their stay. We understand that animals tend to get dirty, especially during hauling; however we expect that they are washed and presented to our guests in a clean manner. Furthermore, it is also expected that animals receive adequate food and water, and that their pens/stalls be kept in a neat and tidy fashion. If for any reason these rules are not upheld, the individual(s) will be issued a single warning and asked to correct the problem. If it is not corrected within a reasonable amount of time, they will be asked to remove their animals from the grounds and forfeit any premium money earned.
- While every effort is made to prevent typographical errors, the Wyoming County Fair is not responsible for errors and/or omissions which may appear in this book. We reserve the right to correct, adjust, alter, update, or remove any matter in this book without notice. Announcements the day of the show/contest/judging will take precedence over any previously printed information.
- The Wyoming County Fair and their members will not be responsible for any accident of any kind or nature that may occur to any animal, person or property. The exhibitors and spectators shall hold them harmless and indemnify them against any legal proceeding arising from any accident and/or damage. By submitting entries to the Wyoming County Fair you agree to abide by these rules as well as any rules posted before or during the Fair.
- A $50.00 fee will be charged for a returned check. If the returned check and $50.00 fee are not paid within ten (10) business days of being contacted, you will forfeit all premium monies earned.