Penn State Extension, Wyoming County 570-836-3196
Co-Chairpersons: Stacey Peterson 570-881-6015 & KC Peterson 570-996-7577
Premiums: $12 $11 $10 $9 $8
Note: To qualify to show at Round Up all 4-H market animal eartag numbers must be on file at the Extension Office by June 1st of this year. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Health Requirements:
40. Lightweight
Champion Lightweight Reserve Champion Lightweight
41. Mediumweight
Champion Mediumweight Reserve Champion Mediumweight
42. Heavyweight
Champion Heavyweight Reserve Champion Heavyweight
Awards: Champion and Reserve Champion goats from each class
Grand Champion 4-H Homebred Goat Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Homebred Goat
Grand Champion 4-H Market Goat Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Market Goat
44. Master Exhibitor – Beginner ages 8-11 45. Master Exhibitor – Junior ages 12-14 46. Master Exhibitor – Senior ages 15-18
Awards: First and second place Master Showman from each class.
Grand Champion 4-H Meat Goat Master Exhibitor Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Meat Goat Master Exhibitor
Note: The same classifications and premiums stated above apply to each class listed below. All breeding goats will be judged together by type in their age class.
51. Doe kids 0-6 months – Born after March 2nd and before Sept. 1st of this year.
52. Doe kids 6-12 months – Born after Sept. 2nd of prior year and before March 1st of current year.
Junior Division Champion Junior Division Reserve Champion
53. Yearling Does 12-18 months – Born after March 2nd of prior year and before Sept. 1st of prior year.
54. Yearling Does 18-24 months – Born after Sept. 2nd of 2 years prior and March 1st of prior year.
Yearling Division Champion Yearling Division Reserve Champion
55. Two Year Old Does 24-36 months – Born after Sept. 2nd of 3 years prior and Sept. 1st of 2 years prior.
56. Aged Does 36 months & older – Born on or before Sept. 1st of 3 years prior.
Senior Division Champion Senior Division Reserve Champion
Grand Champion Doe Reserve Grand Champion Doe
57. Buck kids 0-6 months – Born after March 2nd and before Sept. 1st of this year.
58. Buck kids 6-12 months – Born after Sept. 2nd of prior year and before March 1st of current year.
Junior Division Champion Junior Division Reserve Champion
59. Yearling Bucks 12-18 months – Born after March 2nd of prior year and before Sept. 1st of prior year.
60. Yearling Bucks 18-24 months – Born after Sept. 2nd of 2 years prior and March 1st of prior year.
Yearling Division Champion Yearling Division Reserve Champion
61. Two Year Old Bucks 24-36 months – Born after Sept. 2nd of 3 years prior and Sept. 1st of 2 years prior.
62. Aged Bucks 36 months & older – Born on or before Sept. 1st of 3 years prior.
Senior Division Champion Senior Division Reserve Champion
Grand Champion Buck Reserve Grand Champion Buck
Health Requirements:
- Individual official animal identification is required for all goats. Identification used for goats must be permanently affixed to the individual animal. Official ID includes any of the following:
- A USDA ear tag with a US shield; which includes scrapie program tags (animals bearing identification with blue colored scrapie program tags labelled “meat” with a US shield are not permitted to be exhibited in Pennsylvania. Please call the Department at 717-772-2852 if such a tag is encountered).
- A legible tattoo with herd and individual identification recognized in an approved USDA Scrapie database a.k.a scrapie tattoo (flock ID in the right ear – state postal code and letters/numbers – and individual animal ID in the left ear).
- A breed registration tattoo if the animal is accompanied by a registration certificate and a the tattoo is legible.
- All goats shall comply with the Department’s regulations regarding the intrastate transportation of goats found at 7 Pa.Code § 3.151.
- All goats shall comply with the Department’s “General Quarantine Order; Scrapie” [50 Pa.B. 4751, September 19, 2020].
- A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued within 30 days of arrival is strongly recommended.
- All animals must be free of evidence of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this should be written on the CVI.
- Any animal of unthrifty nature, unsuitable condition, or which cannot be satisfactorily handled under show conditions must be removed from the Fairgrounds.
- Market goats must be under one year of age upon arrival at the Fair. Market goats will be mouthed and must have a full set of kid teeth.
- All members must follow the rules of the Wyoming County 4-H Livestock Handbook.
- Exhibitors are required to show one of their 4-H project animals in a Master Exhibitor in order to show in market or breeding classes.
- Animals must be presented in the show ring to qualify for ribbons and premiums.
- Premiums: A minimum of six (6) animals per breed/section entered will qualify for 100% of the listed premiums. Less than 6 animals per breed/section will be 50% of listed premiums.
- For an animal to receive 4-H ribbons and premiums they must be exhibited by the owner – unless there is a medical excuse from a doctor. The animal may then be shown by another Wyoming County 4-H member. (No Master Exhibitor award will be given.)
- Goats will arrive between 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM the Tuesday before the Fair.
- Market goats must be presented for weigh-in upon arrival to the Fairgrounds.
- Can be a wether (must be healed) or a doe
- Weigh-In Procedure: All market animals will be weighed on the same set of scales under the direct supervision of the Penn State Extension Educator. All animals must fall within designated ranges as set in this book. In the event an animal is ever or under weight they are permitted to step off the scales and immediately be reweighed one additional time.
- Each 4-H market goat exhibitor is allowed to sell two (2) 4-H market goats.
- All animals that Banner must be sold.
- In order to sell a 4-H market goat at the Fair, it must weigh a minimum of 50 lbs.
- Market goats will be placed in classes as determined by the department chairs, after all market goats have been weighed.
- Each animal exhibited in a Master Exhibitor class must be neatly trimmed with clean, trimmed hooves.
40. Lightweight
Champion Lightweight Reserve Champion Lightweight
41. Mediumweight
Champion Mediumweight Reserve Champion Mediumweight
42. Heavyweight
Champion Heavyweight Reserve Champion Heavyweight
Awards: Champion and Reserve Champion goats from each class
Grand Champion 4-H Homebred Goat Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Homebred Goat
Grand Champion 4-H Market Goat Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Market Goat
44. Master Exhibitor – Beginner ages 8-11 45. Master Exhibitor – Junior ages 12-14 46. Master Exhibitor – Senior ages 15-18
Awards: First and second place Master Showman from each class.
Grand Champion 4-H Meat Goat Master Exhibitor Reserve Grand Champion 4-H Meat Goat Master Exhibitor
Note: The same classifications and premiums stated above apply to each class listed below. All breeding goats will be judged together by type in their age class.
51. Doe kids 0-6 months – Born after March 2nd and before Sept. 1st of this year.
52. Doe kids 6-12 months – Born after Sept. 2nd of prior year and before March 1st of current year.
Junior Division Champion Junior Division Reserve Champion
53. Yearling Does 12-18 months – Born after March 2nd of prior year and before Sept. 1st of prior year.
54. Yearling Does 18-24 months – Born after Sept. 2nd of 2 years prior and March 1st of prior year.
Yearling Division Champion Yearling Division Reserve Champion
55. Two Year Old Does 24-36 months – Born after Sept. 2nd of 3 years prior and Sept. 1st of 2 years prior.
56. Aged Does 36 months & older – Born on or before Sept. 1st of 3 years prior.
Senior Division Champion Senior Division Reserve Champion
Grand Champion Doe Reserve Grand Champion Doe
57. Buck kids 0-6 months – Born after March 2nd and before Sept. 1st of this year.
58. Buck kids 6-12 months – Born after Sept. 2nd of prior year and before March 1st of current year.
Junior Division Champion Junior Division Reserve Champion
59. Yearling Bucks 12-18 months – Born after March 2nd of prior year and before Sept. 1st of prior year.
60. Yearling Bucks 18-24 months – Born after Sept. 2nd of 2 years prior and March 1st of prior year.
Yearling Division Champion Yearling Division Reserve Champion
61. Two Year Old Bucks 24-36 months – Born after Sept. 2nd of 3 years prior and Sept. 1st of 2 years prior.
62. Aged Bucks 36 months & older – Born on or before Sept. 1st of 3 years prior.
Senior Division Champion Senior Division Reserve Champion
Grand Champion Buck Reserve Grand Champion Buck