Chairperson - Debbie Coon 570-696-3642 or [email protected]
- Must be cut flowers grown by the exhibitor and must conform to the number of blooms, spikes or stems specified in each class.
- The uniformity of height, color or size is an important factor in evaluating entries.
- Flowers in each entry MUST BE OF ONE COLOR AND VARIETY unless otherwise stated.
- Specimens will not be eligible for judging if not in the correct container and correct number of blooms.
Premiums: $5 $4 $3 $2
unless otherwise stated
unless otherwise stated
Chrysanthemums – five stems:
1. Garden Variety
2. Delphinium – one spike
3. Dianthus, hardy pinks – five blooms
4. Lilies – one stalk
Hybrid tea, any amount of varieties:
5. One bloom, long stem & leaves, one exhibit each
Floribunda, any amount of varieties:
6. One bloom, one exhibit each
7. One spray, one exhibit each
Grandiflora, any amount of varieties:
8. One bloom, one exhibit each
9. One spray, one exhibit each
Miniature, any amount of varieties:
10. One bloom, one exhibit each
11. One spray, one exhibit each
Any other type not listed above:
12. One exhibit only
13. Phlox – three blooms
14. Honesty (money) plant – one stem
15. Japanese Lantern – one stem
16. Rudbeckia (Gloriosa Daisy) – five blooms
17. Asclepias (Butterfly Weed)–any color–one stem
18. Flowering Sedum – any color – one stem
19. Echinacea – any color – five stems
20. Any other perennial not listed above – one stem
Chrysanthemums – five stems:
1. Garden Variety
2. Delphinium – one spike
3. Dianthus, hardy pinks – five blooms
4. Lilies – one stalk
Hybrid tea, any amount of varieties:
5. One bloom, long stem & leaves, one exhibit each
Floribunda, any amount of varieties:
6. One bloom, one exhibit each
7. One spray, one exhibit each
Grandiflora, any amount of varieties:
8. One bloom, one exhibit each
9. One spray, one exhibit each
Miniature, any amount of varieties:
10. One bloom, one exhibit each
11. One spray, one exhibit each
Any other type not listed above:
12. One exhibit only
13. Phlox – three blooms
14. Honesty (money) plant – one stem
15. Japanese Lantern – one stem
16. Rudbeckia (Gloriosa Daisy) – five blooms
17. Asclepias (Butterfly Weed)–any color–one stem
18. Flowering Sedum – any color – one stem
19. Echinacea – any color – five stems
20. Any other perennial not listed above – one stem