Chairperson: Marge Singer 570-240-0784 or [email protected]
Assistant Chairperson: Lisa Landsiedel 570-241-5626 or [email protected]
General Information:
- Horses must enter the grounds by 8:00 PM on Tuesday before the Fair. If you choose, you may leave Saturday afternoon.
- Upon arrival on the grounds, check in with one of the Horse Barn Stewards, who will direct the entrant to the stall(s).
- Stall entry fees (check or money order) must be paid at the time the entry is made in order to reserve a place for the animal(s). NO EXCEPTIONS! All entries must contain CURRENT copies of negative Coggins and Rabies.
- All Reservations should be mailed to Wyoming County Fair c/o Marjorie Singer, 9141 US 6, Meshoppen, PA 18630. Make two checks, one for $20.00 stall fee and one for the $100 deposit, payable to Wyoming County Fair. If stall is stripped clean upon departure, the deposit check will be voided.
- Show Entries will be accepted the day of the show up to three classes prior to the one being entered.
Health Rules: (Applies to ALL Sections)
Pennsylvania Animal Requirements:
4. A current rabies vaccination administered by a licensed veterinarian for animals 3 months of age and older.
Out of State Animal Requirements:
Pennsylvania Animal Requirements:
- A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued within 30 days of arrival is strongly recommended.
- All animals must be free of evidence of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this should be written on the CVI.
- All equine animals must be test negative for EIA by an official test within the 12 months prior to the opening date of the exhibition. Laboratory test results
4. A current rabies vaccination administered by a licensed veterinarian for animals 3 months of age and older.
Out of State Animal Requirements:
- A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued within the 30 days prior to the date of importation is required.
- Vesicular Stomatitis (VS): This applies to horses entering PA from states that experienced a Vesicular Stomatitis outbreak in the last 12 months. In these cases, an accredited veterinarian shall determine whether the animals are free from VS, and animal shall be accompanied by a CVI with the following statement signed by the accredited veterinarian: “All animals identified on this CVI have been examined and found to be free from VS. During the past 90 days, these animals were not located within 10 miles of a site where VS has been diagnosed.”
- All animals must be free of evidence of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this is required on the CVI.
- All equine animals must be test negative for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) by an official test within the 12 months prior to the date of importation. Laboratory test results must accompany each animal to its final destination (a copy of the original lab report is acceptable). The CVI shall specify the date of sample collection and EIA test results. Foals under six months of age accompanied by a dam with negative EIA official test results are exempt from EIA testing requirements. If the foal is not accompanied by the dam, a copy of the dam’s test results must accompany the foal to its final destination.
- If an equine animal has resided in Texas or New Mexico for a cumulative total of 30 days or more within the six months preceding the date of entry into the Commonwealth, that animal must be test-negative for Babesia caballi and Theilleria equi on a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA) test, or a Department-approved equivalent test, with the test occurring within 30 days preceding entry into PA. The date of test and the test results shall be written on the CVI.
- A current rabies vaccination administered by a licensed veterinarian for animals 3 months of age and older.
General Rules:
- The rules herein are made a part of the conditions under which all entries of the exhibitors are made. Exhibitors are respectfully requested to read them carefully, thereby avoiding any confusion before, during, or after the Fair.
- Stall(s) may be obtained for those that participate in any of the Horse events.
- All entries must be made by the owner or leaser, and no animal will be admitted or stabled unless properly entered.
- All entries must be broke to tie and lead, or they will be excused.
- No horses, ponies, mules, or teams shall be entitled to any premiums or ribbons unless serviceably sound. Entries that appear unsound will be excused immediately.
- Adult supervision must be provided for each entry during any loud performances at the Fair (Demolition Derby, Truck/Tractor Pulls, etc.) as well as for camping/overnight stays, no exceptions.
- All exhibitors are notified that any acts of discourtesy or disobedience to the judge(s) and/or officials on the part of the exhibitor, owner, leaser, or parent shall disqualify the animal, and the exhibitor shall therefore forfeit his/her entry fee and all premium awards.
- Anyone wishing to speak to the judge must go through the Show Manager.
- The Wyoming County Fair, and their members will not be responsible for any accident of any kind or nature that may occur to any animal, person, or property. The exhibitors and spectators shall hold them harmless and indemnify them against any legal proceeding arising from any accident and/or damages.
- Fire law regulations prohibit the roping off of the aisles or any part of the aisles. NO SMOKING at any time in the horse barn. All persons must comply.
- Proper show attire is required for all horse events; this is to include a long sleeve button down shirt and hat/helmet. When riding/working a horse any time other than an event, proper riding attire, including long pants and boots with an acceptable heel is required. No exceptions.
- Hard Hats are required for riders 18 years of age and under.
- Absolutely no riding double or bareback will be permitted on the grounds. First offense will result in a warning, second will be grounds for disqualification for any entered events, and dismissal from the grounds.
- Riding horses inside the barn or stalls is strictly prohibited.
- All shows will run under ECRRA and/or AQHA rules, AQHA patterns will be used for Western Riding and Green Reining. All Ranch riding classes will utilize ECRRA patterns.
- All Added Money classes must have at least six (6) entries to pay added money. Classes with four (4) or five (5) entries will payback: First – 25%, Second – 20%, Third – 15% with no added money. Classes with less than four (4) entries will payback first place only with no added money.
- NO REFUNDS on entries, unless horse or rider are injured.
- You must sign up at least three (3) classes in advance and all entries fees are to be paid in full at the time of entry.
- A $50.00 fee will be charged for a returned check. If the returned check and $50.00 fee are not paid within ten (10) business days of being contacted, you will forfeit all premiums monies earned.
- Any paybacks or awards/prizes not picked up within 30 minutes following the conclusion of the show will be forfeited.
- The Chairperson(s) reserve the right to change the order of classes and combine classes before or during the Fair. All exhibitors and parents or guardians of exhibitors agree to abide by these rules. Decisions by Chairperson(s) on enforcement of all rules listed above are final. Failure to comply with any of the rules WILL result in disqualification the following year.