Chairpersons – Tony Hug 570-687-7716 or [email protected] &
Amanda Smith 570-885-5367 or [email protected]
Per Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture's General Quarantine Order all poultry and hatching egg exhibits and shows have been cancelled for 2022.
General Rules & Regulations:
- Entry fee is $1.00 per entry. Entry fee, entry form, and all health records need to be mailed to Wyoming County Fair, PO Box 38, Tunkhannock, PA 18657 by August 8th.
- 4-H Members have cooping priority. Entries will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
- Birds hatched before January 1st of this year will be classed as cocks or hens. Those hatched after that date will be classed as cockerels or pullets. For Ducks, Geese, Guinea Fowl, and Turkeys, birds hatched before January 1st of this year will be classed as old. Those hatched after that date will be classed as young.
- Do not fail to state whether cock, hen, cockerel, pullet; rose comb or single comb on your entry form. Only 1 bird allowed in each class per exhibitor.
- All birds must be blood tested and must be vaccinated. Turkeys and waterfowl do not need to be vaccinated. Blood test papers and other required documents must be presented during check in.
- The management reserves the right to reduce number of entries from one party if the cooping facilities are exhausted.
- Entries may not be changed or substitutes made after August 8th.
- All birds must bear an individual identification leg band to be accepted for exhibition. Those without will have to be removed from the Fairgrounds and will forfeit their entry fee.
- Poultry will be single-cooped for their health and welfare.
- The Chairperson(s) will check birds upon arrival and refuse entry to birds with visible signs of disease, mites, lice, mault, etc. Do not coop birds until they have been checked in by the Chairperson(s).
- Birds should arrive on the Fairgrounds between 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM on the Tuesday before the Fair, and must be removed from the Fairgrounds between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM on Monday, Labor Day.
- Judging will be Thursday at 10:00 AM.
- All judging shall be by the latest edition of the American Standard of Perfection, copyrighted by the American Poultry Association.
Health Rules:
Pennsylvania Bird Requirements:
2. All individual birds (pigeons/doves and waterfowl excluded) for exhibition (maximum of 300) must have had a pullorum-typhoid test within 90 days prior to the opening date of the exhibition. The birds must be accompanied by the most recent test report, or state equivalent form for the rapid test (copies acceptable). Test results must be negative. The following age restrictions apply:
i. Chickens shall be tested at 4 months of age or older.
ii. Turkeys shall be tested at 12 weeks of age or older.
iii. Game birds shall be tested at 4 months of age or older, or upon sexual maturity, whichever comes first.
iv. Ratites shall be tested at 12 months of age or older.
v. All birds not meeting these age restrictions at the time of sampling are exempt from pullorum-typhoid testing requirements.
5. Testing specifics/Record requirements
Out of State Bird Requirements: At this time, we will only be accepting PA birds for exhibition, no out of state entries will be accepted.
Pennsylvania Bird Requirements:
- All Pennsylvania poultry, including chickens, turkeys, waterfowl, and upland game birds entering an exhibition must bear an official PDA-issued butt end style leg band.
- An Owner-endorsed Avian Health Certificate or a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (health chart or CVI) must accompany all Pennsylvania poultry, including chickens, turkeys, waterfowl, upland game birds, and ratites; and pigeons/doves; and hatching eggs. The certificate must include the following:
- Name and location of exhibition; and
- Name, address, and telephone number of the owner; and
- A statement that the entries and the flock of origin are free of evidence infectious and contagious diseases; and
- Owner signature and date of that signature.
- Avian Influenza Testing and Verification: All samples must be collected by a Certified Poultry Technician or a Category II Accredited Veterinarian.
- All poultry, including chickens, turkeys, waterfowl, upland game birds, and ratites, (pigeons/doves excluded), and their hatching eggs for exhibition must originate from a flock in which a random, representative sample of a minimum of 30 birds, 3 weeks of age or older, were tested for avian influenza within the 30 days prior to opening date of exhibition. The birds or hatching eggs must be accompanied by the most recent test report (copy acceptable). Test results must be negative. If there are fewer than 30 birds in the flock, test all birds. For waterfowl, cloacal swab samples must be collected for testing instead of blood samples, and the swabs may be tested using PCR techniques. Swabs from geese and ducks may not be combined in a tube for testing. Untested birds shall not be comingled with or added to the tested flock after negative samples have been collected and before the show.
- Pullorum-typhoid Testing and Verification: All samples must be collected by a Certified Poultry Technician or a Category II Accredited Veterinarian.
- Poultry, including chickens, turkeys, upland game birds, and ratites (waterfowl excluded) and their hatching eggs must originate from a flock in good standing on the NPIP Pullorum-typhoid Clean Program (and there was no break in the chain of ownership by NPIP participants) or from a flock in good standing on the PA Pullorum Equivalent Program. The birds or hatching eggs must be accompanied by the most recent test report (copy acceptable). Test results must be negative. If the rapid whole-blood plate agglutination test was done, the most recent NPIP 9-2 form or state equivalent form must accompany the birds or hatching eggs (copy acceptable). Test results must be negative. If birds are less than one year of age and originate from an NPIP Clean hatchery, they do not have to be tested for pullorum-typhoid if they are accompanied by an NPIP 9-3 form from the hatchery and any additions to the flock were also form NPIP Clean sources. The NPIP number must be noted on the report for NPIP Pullorum-typhoid Clean flocks;
2. All individual birds (pigeons/doves and waterfowl excluded) for exhibition (maximum of 300) must have had a pullorum-typhoid test within 90 days prior to the opening date of the exhibition. The birds must be accompanied by the most recent test report, or state equivalent form for the rapid test (copies acceptable). Test results must be negative. The following age restrictions apply:
i. Chickens shall be tested at 4 months of age or older.
ii. Turkeys shall be tested at 12 weeks of age or older.
iii. Game birds shall be tested at 4 months of age or older, or upon sexual maturity, whichever comes first.
iv. Ratites shall be tested at 12 months of age or older.
v. All birds not meeting these age restrictions at the time of sampling are exempt from pullorum-typhoid testing requirements.
5. Testing specifics/Record requirements
- Sample collectors and testers must maintain records of animal identification, approved rapid testing, and any other records required by the Domestic Animal Law, and any order issued by the Department for a minimum of two years and must make records available to the Department upon request.
- National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) protocols for sample collection, including the number of swabs/tubes of viral transport media, and testing shall be followed. All samples must be tested at a NAHLN laboratory. (excluding the Pullorum-typhoid rapid whole blood plate agglutination test that may be conducted at farm)
Out of State Bird Requirements: At this time, we will only be accepting PA birds for exhibition, no out of state entries will be accepted.